Homework for 10/19 - 10/23
Spelling - The words for lesson 1 are listed below. Please review these each night with your child. Suggested activities for practice are writing each word 3 times, Rainbow write each word (use crayons to write each word in different colors), writing the words in ABC order, and giving your child a practice spelling test. Our spelling test will be Tuesday, October 27th.
Spelling Words:
1. sad 10. rip
2. dig 11. kit
3. jam 12. mask
4. glad 13. as
5. list 14. his
6. win Challenge words:
7. flat 15. sandwich
8. if 16. picnic
9. fix
IXL - Please have your child complete the Journeys skill plan for Henry and Mudge. I’ll be checking for completion on Monday, October 26th.
Prodigy - I’ve sent out an email to each family inviting your child to join Prodigy. This is a fun way for your child to practice Math. I’ll be sending a letter home tomorrow with more information along with usernames and passwords. Please help your child log on and do at least 10 minutes of Math on Prodigy each night.
RQ - Please remember your child needs to read and test on at least 1 RQ book per month. He/she must have a passing score of at least 70 for the quiz to be counted. The deadline for quizzes for October is Friday, October 30th.